US Cyber Command’s Cyber National Mission Force recently concluded their second defensive hunt operation to Lithuania, building upon relationships and experiences from the previous deployment to the country in May 2022, reports the Ministry of the Interior.
22 articles
Kur keliauti pavasarį? Netolimos atostogų kryptys, kur saule ir maudynėmis galima mėgautis jau dabar
Kol mūsų kraštai dar tik pradeda vaduotis nuo žiemos įšalo, kai kurie miestai jau pasitinka pavasarį. Nuo sniego pavargusiems lietuviams pristatome kryptis, kuriose jau kovo pabaigoje galima mėgautis ryškia saule ir laisve nuo paltų bei pūkinių striukių. Maža to, į tuos miestus galima patekti su min...
Psichologė pataria, kaip išvengti perdegimo sindromo: pandemija iš mūsų atėmė vieną svarbų dalyką (4)
Kiekvienas turime įgimtą poreikį atostogauti, tačiau neretai į psichologus kreipiasi žmonės, kurie „perdega“ dirbdami, neleidžia sau laiku ir gerai pailsėti, o tai pajunta tik tuomet, kai jau niekas nebedžiugina.
COVID-19 pandemija nenumalšino 200 porų noro prisiekti amžiną meilę masinėse tuoktuvėse, įvykusiose Peru sostinėje Limoje. Ceremonijai vadovavo Limos meras Jorge Munozas. Visi asmenys buvo ištirti dėl koronaviruso, siekiant užkirsti kelią COVID-19 plitimui. Vyriausia pora – 82-ejų metų amžiaus Santi...
Lithuanian Minister of Foreign Affairs Linas Linkevičius on Tuesday congratulated Montenegro on the progress it has made seeking EU membership. But he also stressed the fact its EU membership would be linked to achieved results and not a timetable.
Montenegro's Foreign Minister Srdjan Darmanovic is meeting with Lithuanian officials in Vilnius on Tuesday to discuss Podgorica's progress in EU accession talks and the situation in the Western Balkans.
Nikaragvos prezidentas Danielis Ortega sekmadienį atšaukė kontroversišką pensijų reformą, išprovokavusią keturias dienas trukusį smurto proveržį, per kurį žuvo kelios dešimtys žmonių.
„Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty” neseniai pasidalino vaizdo įrašu, kuriame pasakojama apie unikalų gamtos fenomeną, pasireiškiantį pietrytinėje Juodkalnijos dalyje esančiame kaimelyje Dinoša. Po kiekvieno stipresnio lietaus čia augantis šilkmedis pavirsta fontanu – iš šio medžio kamiene esančios er...
The Lithuanian parliament ratified on November 3 a protocol on Montenegro's accession to NATO.
The biggest threat to NATO is our own inertness and unwillingness to protect our values, said Kurt Volker, former NATO Ambassador and Executive Director of the McCain Institute for International Leadership. To read this article, try a €5.99 monthly subscription by clicking here.
After NATO has officially invited Montenegro to become its 29th member, Lithuanian Foreign Minister Linas Linkevičius reminds the Alliance that Georgia is also waiting for invitation to join.
NATO on Thursday invited Montenegro to become the 29th member of the Alliance. This is the seventh expansion in the Alliance's history, and it is being made over the objections of Russia.
Politico has ranked Lithuania as one of the top 20 most influential countries in Europe.
Russian propagandists were not long ago deriding the inability of Baltic States to defend themselves but are now seeing something different: a threat to Russia.
A new spiral of NATO expansion directly affects Russia's interests and provokes a response, Russia's Foreign Ministry said in a commentary released on Wednesday over NATO's invitation to Montenegro to join the alliance.
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania Linas Linkevičius says that invitation extended this week to Montenegro to begin NATO membership negotiations is a signal not only to the Western Balkans but Georgia as well.
NATO must be ready to effectively respond to threats irrespective of their source, says Lithuania's Linas Linkevičius at a meeting of foreign affairs ministers of NATO countries.
On 10 November, the European Commission (EC) adopted its annual Enlargement package - a set of documents explaining its policy on EU enlargement. In the set of annual reports, the EC has assessed where Turkey and the countries of the Western Balkans - Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the former Yugo...
Russia's actions in Europe, eastern Ukraine and Syria require more resolute response from NATO to ensure security of its eastern members, according to Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė who is leaving for Bucharest on Wednesday to meet with leaders of Central-Eastern European NATO member states...