President Gitanas Nausėda has criticised Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico for travelling to Moscow for gas transit talks.
130 articles
Hoaxes claiming that Western countries are attacking Russia; disinformation claiming at the same time that these same governments have stopped supporting Ukraine. These are cross-border disinformation campaigns that spread content about the role of NATO and Western countries through actors close to ...
Lithuanian Embassy in the Russian Federation was splashed with red paint, Lithuania’s former ambassador in Moscow Eitvydas Bajarūnas said.
On 12 August 2024, in Moscow, four unidentified masked individuals smeared the entrance of the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania in the Russian Federation with red paint, reports the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
МИД Литвы назвал "преднамереной, целенаправленной провокацией с целью запугать соседние страны и их общества" планы России по расширению территориальных вод в Балтийском море рядом с государственной границей с Литвы и Финляндии. Об этом сообщило русскоязычное издание газеты The Moscow times.
Российские власти приняли решение расширить территориальные воды страны в Балтийском море рядом с государственной границей с Литвой и Финляндией, следует из проекта постановления правительства, опубликованного на портале правовых актов. Об этом сообщает русскоязычное издание газеты The Moscow times.
Vilnius-registered firm Tersis participated in an annual international logistics fair in Moscow at the end of March, Delfi news website reports.
Russian hackers forced several Ukrainian and Latvian television channels to unintentionally broadcast parts of the annual Victory Day military parade in Moscow’s Red Square, the DPA news agency reports.
NATO on Thursday condemned Russian „malign activities“ on its territory, saying actions like disinformation, sabotage, violence and cyber interference threatened the alliance’s security, AFP news agency reports.
Rusijos žiniasklaida skelbia, kad žudynes Maskvos koncertų salėje surengę teroristai buvo penki, su savimi jie turėjo didelį kiekį šaudmenų ir degaus skysčio, veidus slėpė po kaukėmis. Pasak liudininkų, į žmones šaudę žudikai veikė taip, tarsi viską būtų iš anksto anksto kruopščiai suplanavę ir rimt...
В базу федерального розыска Министерства внутренних дел России добавили писателя Бориса Акунина (Григория Чхартишвили). Это обнаружило издание "Медиазона" в пятницу, 26 января. С 2014 года Акунин живет в Лондоне. Он неоднократно выступал с критикой политики российской власти и лично президента Путин...
The Migration Department has been instructed to start the procedure for revoking Lithuanian citizenship of a Russian ballet dancer following her statements supporting Moscow's actions in Ukraine.
Latvian President Edgars Rinkēvičs has urged Western democracies to supply more weapons to Kyiv, as the defeat of Ukraine could provoke Russia’s attack on other countries.
Is there opposition in Russia? Do Russian people support the war? Are liberal ideas popular only in Moscow and a few other large cities: myth or reality? Why did Putin’s regime decide to kill Nemtsov and imprison Navalny? You will hear answers to these and many other questions in Delfi’s interview w...
National Defence Minister Arvydas Anušauskas is not surprised that Russia has cancelled this year’s large-scale military exercise Zapad (West). Moscow had already lacked the necessary capacity to hold the drills as it was mobilising its full military power for the war in Ukraine, he says.
Foreign Minister says in absentia conviction of Lithuanian judges yet another provocation by Kremlin
Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis says a Moscow court’s decision to arrest the three Lithuanian judges who passed verdict in the January 13th case is yet another attempt by the Kremlin to stir up the tensions.
President of Lithuania Gitanas Nausėda, who is paying a visit to Ukraine, says the death of Wagner mercenary group’s chief Yevgeny Prigozhin changes little in terms of security threats faced by Lithuania as one of the group’s goals is destabilisation of the situation in the region.
Vilnius University (VU) will terminate the employment contract with Andrey Desnitsky, a professor from Russia who supported a “referendum” on the status of Crimea and denied the occupation of the Baltic Stats, public radio LRT reported Thursday.
Minister of National Defence Arvydas Anušauskas believes the West should adopt a firm stance on Russia as Moscow is blackmailing the West by demanding to lift sanctions in return for Russia engaging in talks over the Black Sea grain deal.
The overnight Russian air attacks on the port of Odessa left some 60 thousand tonnes of grain destroyed, most of which was intended for China, says the chair of the Seimas security committee.