Tai, kad karas Ukrainoje Rusijai kainuoja milijonus, niekam ne paslaptis. Tačiau dar nuo plataus masto invazijos prognozuotas jos ekonomikos krachas kol kas neįvyko. Artėjant metų pabaigai vėl pasipylė prognozių, kad kitąmet Rusijos finansinė padėtis bus itin prasta. Tačiau „Delfi“ kalbinti ekonomis...
Nerijus Mačiulis EN
71 articles
The amendments to the Labour Code proposed by the “Farmers”, where employers would have to specify wages in job advertisements and the interval for the size, have been met with criticism from experts, who think this will improve neither the employer, nor the employee’s negotiation positions, lrt.lt ...
The teachers’ strike is a good thing because it encouraged to take interest in what is going on in this system. And a number of factors emerged. It turns out that Lithuania finances this sector quite well.
Economist Gitanas Nausėda, an adviser to SEB bank's president, has been named the most influential representative of the business sector and economists, according to a new survey by Spinter Tyrimai for the delfi.lt news website.
Prices for alcohol and dairy products will grow insignificantly in Lithuania this year after being the main driver of the consumer price index in 2017, therefore, the inflation pace will slow down, says Nerijus Mačiulis, chief economist at Swedbank Lithuania.
The pace of emigration from Lithuania should start declining this year, with the number of returning Lithuanians and arriving foreigners should remain stable, says Swedbank analyst Nerijus Mačiulis, adding that the net emigration should hit the lowest level since 2000.
Robertas Dargis, president of the Lithuanian Industrialists' Confederation, Gitanas Nausėda, adviser to SEB Bankas' president, and Darius Mockus, president of MG Baltic, one of Lithuania's biggest business groups, top the list of the country's most influential business people, economists and company...
Šį pavasarį Lenkijos centrinis statistikos biuras paskelbė, kad lietuviai apsipirkdami pas kaimynus išleido 330 mln. Eur. Prekybininkai aiškina, kad tai – labai didelė problema. Vis dėlto DELFI užsakymu atlikta „Spinter tyrimų“ apklausa rodo, kad kaimyninėse šalyse pigesnių prekių nuolat ieško 7 iš ...
Reintroducing a reduced VAT rate on district heating and hot water services may hold back the government's planned tax reform, Swedbank Lithuania's chief economist Nerijus Mačiulis warned on Tuesday.