On Friday April 19 Lithuanian Delfi and the Nordic Council of Ministers in Lithuania hosted panel conference titled “Baltic Bridge to Alienating Societies: Discovering Shared Values to Ensure Regional Stability”. The conferences organisers invited a number of experts and professional from various sp...
Nordic Council of Ministers
8 articles
Северный Совет (the Nordic Council), который объединяет Данию, Норвегию, Исландию, Швецию и Финляндию, исторически не играл роли в формировании политики безопасности. Теперь ситуация изменилась на фоне двух войн в "более опасном мире", сказал генсек НАТО Йенс Столтенберг на открытии сессии Совета в ...
On December 10, the top 15 teams presented their innovative ideas during the virtual Alter State Nordic-Baltic Women Innovation Sprint final event. After the tense and competitive pitch session, 3 teams were selected by the international jury board. The first-place winner was the "Know Your Food" te...
The winners of the first-ever international Alter State Nordic-Baltic Women Innovation Sprint will be announced on Thursday, December 10. International mentors selected the top 15 teams that will reach the finish line and have a chance to pitch in front of the jury. The live final will be broadcast ...
The first-ever Alter State Nordic-Baltic Women Innovation Sprint kicks off on November 19, 5 PM (EET). 33 formed teams, featuring more than 200 participants from 16 countries around the world, will meet for the first time this Thursday for the virtual opening event.
It's important for the Baltic states to secure the Nordic region's support for the implementation of strategic transport and energy projects, including the European standard-gauge railway Rail Baltica and their power networks' synchronization with continental Europe, Janis Vucans, president of the B...
On Tuesday in Vilnius, the Nordic Council of Ministers presented 'Nordic Green to Scale', study findings a series of analysis that project the potential to of existing climate solutions. The heat that engulfs most of the region at present, was palatable in the third floor room on Didžioji seemed lik...
Lithuanian citizens seek closer cooperation with the Nordic countries. The majority of population believe that small countries must cooperate with each other, as shown by the study commissioned by the Nordic Council of Ministers Office in Lithuania, a press release from the office states.