opinion poll

8 articles

Karolis Broga

The Lithuanian Social Democratic Party (LSDP) tops the latest public opinion poll that was commissioned by the news website delfi.lt and carried out by the pollster Spinter tyrimai.

2024.03.14 09:26

The ruling Lithuanian Farmers and Greens Union (LFGU) in April lost its top position in the popularity rankings to the opposition Homeland Union–Lithuanian Christian Democrats (HU-LCD), according to the latest opinion poll conducted by Vilmorus and published by the daily Lietuvos Rytas last Saturday...

2019.04.23 11:35

Recent scandals in Lithuania over links between politicians and businesses have affected potential presidential candidate rankings, with the number of undecided voters jumping by around 8 percentage points in a month, according to the latest opinion poll released by Delfi.lt on Friday.

2018.06.08 10:09

No major changes were reported in the ratings of Lithuania's parties, personalities and the government in September, with opposition conservatives and the ruling Farmers and Greens Union topping the polls, shows the latest survey conducted for delfi.lt news portal.

2017.10.10 10:07

The Lithuanian Peasant and Green Union (LPGU), the party that triumphed in last October's parliamentary elections, continues to gain in popularity, according to the latest opinion poll published by the Delfi news website on Monday.

2017.01.09 09:53