Socialinių tinklų naudotojai sunerimo dėl Europos Saugumo ir Bendradarbiavimo Organizacijos (ESBO) sprendimo nesiųsti stebėtojų į Lietuvos prezidento rinkimus. Anot internautų, neįsileisti tarptautinių stebėtojų per rinkimus prilyginama tik Rusijos, Baltarusijos ir Šiaurės Korėjos režimams.
80 articles
„Facebook“ plinta įrašas, kuriame Ukraina melagingai kaltinama Donetske ir Luhanske viena išžudžiusi „daugiau kaip 10 tūkst. taikių gyventojų“. Štai, kodėl tokie teiginiai neatitinka tikrovės.
В ОБСЕ заявляют, что боевики хранят и продолжают размещать тяжелое вооружение вблизи домов гражданского населения.
Специальная мониторинговая миссия ОБСЕ зафиксировала российские новейшие системы вооружения неподалеку от поселка Южная Ломоватка на временно оккупированной части Донбасса. Об этом сообщает Постоянное представительство Украины при ОБСЕ в Twitter.
Prabėgus 30 metų po žeminančio Sovietų Sąjungos pralaimėjimo Afganistane, Maskva siekia sugrįžti.
Vieną vasaros rytą keturi Ukrainos pakrančių apsaugos pareigūnai greitaeigiu patruliavimo kateriu, meiliai pravardžiuojamu Mažyliu, skrodė Azovo jūros bangas. XX amžiaus paskutinio dešimtmečio popmuzikos hitų melodijas vis pertraukdavo katerio variklio gausmas.
Литва, а также США, Великобритания, Канада и другие страны опубликовали заявление о российском вторжении в Грузию (296)
Неофициальная "группа друзей Грузии" в ОБСЕ опубликовала заявление к "10-летию российского военного вторжения в Грузию".
Lithuania on Friday received an invitation from the Belarusian Defense Ministry to all accredited foreign defense attaches to take part in the observation program of the joint Belarusian-Russian strategic exercise Zapad 2017.
Lithuania's Foreign Minister Linas Linkevičius says he was assured by his Swedish colleague that the Swedish MP's initiative to block criticism for Belarus at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) did not reflect the entire country's position.
NATO will closely follow Russia's military exercises near the Baltic countries' borders, including its joint drills with Belarus and China, the Alliance's secretary general said in Lithuania on Tuesday.
A group of arms inspectors from Belarus and Russia are starting on Tuesday an inspection of a selected district in Lithuania, the Lithuanian Defense Ministry said.
On Tuesday, the Foreign Ministry registered draft legislation on the appointment of new ambassadors to Germany, Italy and the Vatican.
Russia's new defence attaché, Captain 1st Rank Vitaly Timofeyev, was accredited to Lithuania on Monday, the Lithuanian Defence Ministry said.
Согласно сообщению штаба Антитеррористической операции на востоке Украины, в ночь на 1 февраля силы сепаратистов продолжили обстрелы позиций украинских вооруженных сил у Авдеевки.
A group of arms control inspectors from Kazakhstan and Belarus are to visit this week military training areas in Lithuania and the Iron Sword 2016 multinational exercise that is currently underway in the country, the Defence Ministry said on Monday.
The Lithuanian Peasant and Greens Union (LPGU) and the Lithuanian Social Democrat Party (LSDP) coalition’s “Harmonious Lithuanian Cabinet” programme project only dedicated its very last comments to foreign and defence policy – 10 pages of 117. While the new government does not propose any earthshatt...
Gintė Damusytė, a Lithuanian diplomat, has been proposed as the country's new ambassador to Denmark and Iceland. To read this article, try a €5.99 monthly subscription by clicking here.
Gintė Damušytė, a Lithuanian diplomat, has been proposed as the country’s new ambassador to Denmark and Iceland.
The Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) has welcomed Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė's decision to veto amendments to the Criminal Code criminalizing the disclosure of information from closed court proceedings.
This week, Kevin Rudd, president of the Asia Society Policy Institute and former Australian prime minister, will be visiting Moscow. Speaking at the Carnegie Moscow Center on February 18, 2016, Kevin Rudd outlined Chinese foreign policy under Xi Jinping. In a new article written exclusively for Carn...