Speaker of the Lithuanian Seimas Viktoras Pranckietis is leaving for a three-day visit to the United States.
Paul Ryan
15 articles
Speaker of the Lithuanian Seimas Viktoras Pranckietis will pay a visit to the United States in late June.
US President Donald Trump will show the Baltic nations as a model for other European countries in defense spending as he will host the leaders of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia in the White House next Tuesday, diplomats said.
The Baltic foreign ministers voiced their concern over possible trade wars during their joint meeting with US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Monday.
Penktadienį JAV prezidentas Donaldas Trumpas dar metams pratęsė sankcijas prieš Rusiją, įvestas dėl krizės Ukrainoje. Tai pranešė Baltųjų rūmų spaudos tarnyba.
JAV prezidentas Donaldas Trumpas nusprendė po pusmečio nutraukti populiarią jaunų imigrantų apsaugos nuo deportacijos programą, sekmadienį pranešė leidinys „Politico“.
Lithuania's Dalia Grybauskaitė and her Baltic counterparts will meet with US Vice-President Mike Pence in Tallinn, pledging to address US military assistance, cyber security, the Belarusian nuclear power plant in Astravyets and supplies of US liquefied gas to Europe.
Lithuania's President Dalia Grybauskaitė is scheduled to meet with US President Donald Trump in Warsaw on Thursday in the framework of the Three Seas Initiative summit.
Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė will take part in a meeting between leaders of Central and East European nations and US President Donald Trump in Warsaw on Thursday.
US Vice President Mike Pence will meet with the leaders of the three Baltic countries, including Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė, in Estonia in late July, the White House said on Thursday.
Lithuania's Parliamentary Speaker Viktoras Pranckietis is going to Washington D.C. early this week to attend a meeting of Nordic and Baltic parliamentary speakers with top-ranking US officials.
Kitą savaitę, pirmadienį, Seimo Pirmininkas Viktoras Pranckietis išvyksta į Vašingtoną (JAV).
Ukrainos prezidentas paragino JAV Kongresą priimti rezoliuciją, kuria Holodomoras – 1932-1933 metais sovietų režimo šalyje sukeltas badas, nuo kurio mirė milijonai žmonių - būtų pripažintas genocidu.
JAV prezidento Donaldo Trumpo administracija informavo Kongresą, kad Iranas laikosi 2015 metų sutarties dėl jo branduolinės programos, sudarytos ankstesnio prezidento Baracko Obamos , ir pratęsė sankcijų švelninimo režimą.
US House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan, America's third-ranking official after the president and vice-president, is expected to come to one of the Baltic countries next month, the media and diplomats have said.