Pirma: Kristina Sabaliauskaitė rašo labai populiarias knygas, kurias labai gerai perka. Lietuviškose komisijose tai laikoma blogo tono ženklu. Jei knyga patenka į perkamiausių dešimtuką, ji – popsas, jei į penketuką – vulgarus popsas, jei užima pirmą vieną – gėda.
6 articles
Norite baigti Harvardą? Amerikietis lietuviams atskleidžia, kokį kelią reikia nueiti iki geriausių JAV universitetų (36)
Studijos geriausiuose Amerikos universitetuose daugeliui atrodo neįgyvendinama svajonė: vien mokslai kainuoja nuo 80 tūkst. eurų per metus, o kur dar skrydžiai ir pragyvenimo išlaidos. Vis dėlto, daugybei moksleivių iš viso pasaulio pavyksta gauti vietas net Harvardo ar Jeilio universitetuose. Lietu...
On 21 September, a delegation from the Pennsylvania National Guard (PANG) NCO corps headed by Command Sergeant Major Michael Gundrum paid a visit to the headquarters of the Lithuanian National Defence Volunteer Force (NDVF).
About 40 soldiers of the Lithuanian National Defence Volunteer Forces will start an exercise in the United States with US troops on Monday.
Philadelphia can lay claim to a few superlatives in art. Probably nowhere are so many paintings by Renoir and sculptures by Jacques Lipchitz on public display within less than 1 square mile but in Philadelphia. Both have a connection to France and Lipchitz life story even leads all the way to Druski...
In the late 1940s, a substitute teacher in St Justin’s High School, a Catholic grade school, was asking students about their career goals. Much to her surprise Johnny Unitas said that his ambition was to become a professional football player.