
17 articles

Lithuanian institutions are looking into possible environmental impact of Volkswagen diesel cars after the German carmaker was exposed to have been falsifying emission test results. Volkswagen representatives in Lithuania have so far refrained from commenting on the scandal, but they have assured th...

The Lithuanian Environment Ministry has started a probe to find out how many Volkswagen cars equipped with software designed to cheat emissions tests there are in the country and what sanctions could be imposed on the German carmaker.

Tomas Gukauskas

Daktaro Prano Mažeikos, Klaipėdos universiteto (KU) Jūrų technikos fakulteto Mechanikos inžinerijos katedros docento, bei dviejų ketvirtakursių studentų Aurimo Paliulio ir Dovydo Lapinsko laukia įtemptas periodas – iki gegužės pradžios užbaigti konstruoti suspaustu oru varomą transporto priemonę.