Righteous Among the Nations

24 articles

Григорий Поташенко, историк, Вильнюсский университет

До 1 января 2022 года израильский Национальный институт памяти мучеников и героев Катастрофы европейского еврейства (Яд Вашем) присвоил 924 гражданам Литвы почетное звание Праведников народов мира Righteous Among the Nations Lithuania 2022). Признанные получают именную медаль и Почетную грамоту, а и...

2024.02.10 14:18
Григорий Поташенко, историк, Вильнюсский университет

В 2005 году Генеральная Ассамблея ООН провозгласила 27 января, день освобождения Освенцима, Международным днем памяти жертв Холокоста. В Литве День геноцида литовских евреев отмечается также 23 сентября — в день, когда в 1943 году началась депортация евреев из ликвидированного Вильнюсского гетто.

2024.01.28 19:10

Lithuanian families who hid Jews during the Nazi occupation were honored as Righteous Among the Nations in Lithuania's second-largest city of Kaunas on Thursday at a conference dedicated to Chiune Sugihara, a Japanese diplomat who saved thousands of Jews from the Holocaust during World War Two.

2020.09.26 06:45

The genocide of the Jewish people is a scar on Lithuania and the whole humanity's face, Lithuanian Foreign Minister Linas Linkevicius said during an event held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Tuesday to mark the International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

2020.01.28 18:55

Israel's Ambassador to Lithuania Amir Maimon will Friday award the Yad Vashem medal and honors of Righteous Among the Nations to the Blažaičiai family, which risked their lives during World War II to rescue Jews from Nazi genocide.

2016.10.21 10:37
Louis Garrick | the Lithuania Tribune

President Dalia Grybauskaitė yesterday awarded the Life Saving Cross to forty-six Lithuanian citizens who risked danger to save Jews from probable death in Nazi-occupied Lithuania during World War II. Of the forty-six, only two were still alive to receive the award in person.

2016.09.29 15:36

After an amendment to the Citizenship Law took effect in Lithuania in July, Litvaks, i.e. Jews of Lithuanian origin, living in Israel and the Republic of South Africa are again submitting applications for restoration of their Lithuanian citizenship, Lietuvos Žinios daily said on Wednesday.

2016.09.21 12:09