In the third quarter of 2023, house prices, as measured by the House Price Index, fell by 2.1% in the euro area and by 1.0% in the EU compared with the same quarter of the previous year. In the second quarter of 2023, house prices fell by 1.5% and 0.9% in the euro area and EU, respectively. These fi...
41 articles
On Wednesday, President Gitanas Nausėda participated in the Eighth Summit of the Three Seas Initiative (3SI) in Bucharest, Romania, said the presidency.
The INVL Renewable Energy Fund I has raised a further EUR 5 million from investors to reach a size of EUR 57.9 million, INVL, the leading Baltic investment management and life insurance group, said in a press release.
Lietuvos atstovai sėkmingai atvyko į Sibiu miestą Rumunijoje, kuriame šį antradienį startuos sudėtingiausias pasaulyje „Hard Enduro“ ralis „Romaniacs“. Įveikus ralio techninę motociklų apžiūrą sportininkai mintyse jau pirmajame starte, skelbiama pranešime žiniasklaidai.
I met Alex when he decorated the wall of a building in the center of Ukmerge with a large street artwork. Several years have passed and Alex continues to work in Lithuania. He creates objects with paints, wood, builds gazebos and small structures, decorates rooms.
Lithuania has added Bulgaria and Romania to the list of countries from where travel is banned due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Health Ministry said on Friday.
Savaitgalį sulaikytas britas, kurio teisėsauga dėl itin sunkaus nusikaltimo ieškojo ilgiau nei trejus metus – vyras buvo laikomas ieškomiausiu šalies nusikaltėliu ir slapstėsi užsienyje.
Betoninio karkaso penktajame aukšte Vasile‘ės Kocorio statybininkų brigada stropiai montuoja plieno armatūrą, plūkdamasi prie dar vieno dangoraižio, kuris netrukus papuoš Bukarešto kraštovaizdį. Grumiantis su žvarbiais vėjais ir mėginant nugalėti svaiginančio aukščio baimę, suformuoti karkasą iš arm...
Lithuania spends a higher proportion of its GDP on education than the EU average, ranking 12th among all 28 member states, according to the latest Eurostat figures released on Monday.
Prices for food and non-alcoholic beverages in Lithuania last year were among the lowest across the European Union (EU), figures from the EU statistical office Eurostat showed on Thursday.
Romanian President Klaus Iohannis has criticized the European Commission's (EC) proposal to penalize countries that refuse to take in migrants. Sanctions do not help solve anything, Iohannis said on Wednesday in Vilnius.
The ceremony of opening the United States’ missile defense base in Deveselu, Romania, last week (Thursday, May 12), was greeted by a barrage of condemnation and criticism from Russian officials. The next day, President Vladimir Putin turned these denouncements into state policy by defining this depl...
Генеральный секретарь НАТО Йенс Столтенберг заверил, что система противоракетной обороны (ПРО), которая вводится в строй в Румынии, не направлена против России.
Politico has ranked Lithuania as one of the top 20 most influential countries in Europe.
Šiemet Lietuvai atstovaujančio Donato Montvydo šansai laimėti „Euroviziją“ netikėtai padidėjo – paaiškėjo, jog dėl Rumunijos finansinių įsiskolinimų iš konkurso šalinamas šalies atstovas Ovidiu Antonas.
The student leaders of 1968 could probably not have imagined how their democratic ideas would be high-jacked by a combination of extremists and opponents of democracy exploiting technological progress and social media. Nobody understands the dangers of technology and social media better than dictato...
Though the level of democracy in Lithuania is higher than in Hungary, Slovakia, Romania and Bulgaria, it still lags behind its Baltic state neighbours of Estonia and Latvia, according to U.S.-based nongovernmental organisation Freedom House.
One thousand-strong battalions of NATO troops could be stationed permanently in Lithuania and each of the Baltic States under new plans to create a deterrent to Russian aggression.
Russia's actions in Europe, eastern Ukraine and Syria require more resolute response from NATO to ensure security of its eastern members, according to Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė who is leaving for Bucharest on Wednesday to meet with leaders of Central-Eastern European NATO member states...