Russian military

43 articles

Евросоюз хочет принять участие в переговорах между США и Россией по деэскалации напряженности на российско-украинской границе и вопросам безопасности. "Мы не хотим и не можем себе позволить себе быть посторонними зрителями, через голову которых принимаются решения", - заявил верховный представитель ...

2021.12.29 09:02
Jack Losh

Nagorno-Karabakh—The Russian soldiers were in no mood to talk. At the bottom of a winding mountain road, where less than a week earlier Armenian and Azerbaijani forces had been locked in fierce combat, the squad had arrived earlier that morning to set up a new checkpoint on the outskirts of Nagorno-...

2020.12.14 09:28
Steven Pifer, Brookings Institution

When NATO leaders gather in Warsaw on July 8 to 9, they will announce steps to beef up the alliance’s conventional force presence on its eastern flank. NATO also will shortly announce that the SM-3 missile defense site in Romania has achieved operational status. These moves will spur the Kremlin, wi...

2016.05.30 08:38
Pierre Vimont, Carnegie Center

Economic reform is central for today’s Ukraine. The capacity of the Ukrainian nation—leadership and population together—to deliver a modern and efficient economy, if achieved, would constitute the winning asset in the West’s current struggle with Russia in Eastern Europe.

2016.05.07 07:31