Ukraine hopes to start real negotiations for European Union accession early next year, says Oleh Nikolenko, spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine. Institutional reform of the EU should not be a mandatory condition for EU enlargement, he said.
Russian propaganda
22 articles
Ukrainian journalist Olga Konsevych who was forced to leave Kyiv because of the illegal Russian invasion of Ukraine believes that dialogue between Ukrainians and Russians is impossible now as the war is ongoing. “As long as the enemy is causing us such damage, taking our lives, we cannot talk to the...
On Friday, President Gitanas Nausėda met with Vice-President of the European Commission Valdis Dombrovskis to discuss the agenda for the new EU political season, support for Ukraine, the use of frozen Russian assets for rebuilding Ukraine, sanctions against Russia, and Russia's accountability for cr...
The National Electronic Mass Media Council of Latvia (NEPLP) has blocked three Russian websites (, and for spreading propaganda, reports news website
„Facebook“ paskyroje „Pilietis“ pasirodė vaizdo įrašas, kuriame skleidžiama Rusijos propaganda.
„Facebook“ plinta vaizdo įrašas su Rusijos valstybinio kanalo „Sputnik“ siužetu. Jame matyti neva iš Ukrainos pabėgusi šeima, pasakojanti apie neva ukrainiečių šaudomus civilius asmenis. Tačiau istorija ir siužetas nepateikia jokių įrodymų.
Pirmadienį Rusijos 1-ojo kanalo naujienų laidos „Laikas“ transliacijos metu į studiją įsiveržė mergina su antikariniu plakatu.
The Radio and Television Commission of Lithuania (LRTK) on Wednesday banned Russia's broadcaster RT over its ties to Dmitry Kiselyov, a Kremlin propagandist on the European Union's black list.
What is this girl thinking after 30 years? This was the question asked in the Russian newspaper "Komsomolskaja Pravda" together with a published photo of a girl in 1990 April during the protest for Lithuanian independence. Both the Baltic Way and independence of Baltic countries still irritate Kreml...
After thousands of Lithuanians responded on Facebook to the Moscow attempts to spread propaganda on post-war guerrilla in three Baltic states, Lithuania's Foreign Minister Linas Linkevičius said that the Russian attempts to interpret history was a constant phenomenon, adding that the civil initiativ...
Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis thinks that more viewers in Lithuania should have access to Polish TV channels.
Russia would defend the rights of its nationals and Russian speakers everywhere, including abroad. Such are the menacing notions emanating from the Kremlin for some time now. Meanwhile what would the ethnic Russians of Lithuania do if Russian tanks and “green men” rolled into Lithuania?
Lithuanian Foreign Minister Linas Linkevičius says that he is shocked by the killing of Pavel Sheremet, a prominent Belarusian-born journalist who worked in Ukraine, and expects that law-enforcement bodies will carry out a diligent investigation into his death. To read this article, try a €5.99 mont...
Nineteen school children are visiting Lithuania from the Luhansk region of Ukraine on Wednesday and will receive a range of educational training.
The European Twittersphere is up in arms over a recent indication that Russia's propaganda efforts may be prompting Twitter to close Twitter accounts that parody Russia and its most important leaders, reports the Financial Times.
Artūras Morozovas, a Lithuanian photojournalist who recently returned from Crimea, spoke about how the region has changed over the two years since it was annexed by Russia.
The student leaders of 1968 could probably not have imagined how their democratic ideas would be high-jacked by a combination of extremists and opponents of democracy exploiting technological progress and social media. Nobody understands the dangers of technology and social media better than dictato...
In the ongoing struggle to combat Russian propaganda and to reach millions of Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians, the Radio Baltic Waves International transmitter in Sitkūnai will see its capacity increased substantially.
A referendum vote in the Netherlands on whether or not the country should support an EU partnership deal with Ukraine that would lower trade barriers on Wednesday indicated that many of the country's people would be against the agreement.