Skandinavijos oro linijų bendrovė SAS ir jos pilotams atstovaujančios profsąjungos antradienį pranešė pasiekusios susitarimą, kuris užbaigs dvi savaites trukusį streiką, vežėjai atsiėjusį nuo 9 iki 12 mln. JAV dolerių per dieną.
40 articles
Sekmadienio popietę keleiviai buvo evakuoti iš ant seklumos prie Alandų salų Baltijos jūroje užplaukusio Suomijos keleivinio kelto „Viking Amorella“, pranešė suomių jūrų gelbėjimo tarnybos.
The number of bankruptcies in the Scandinavian markets important for Lithuania rose faster last year and a similar tendency is expected this year as well, the Verslo Zinios business daily writes.
The chairman of the Lithuanian parliamentary Committee on Budget and Finance (CBF), which is looking into the circumstances and consequences of the 2009-2010 crisis, expects to meet with the heads of Sweden's central bank and financial watchdog during his visit to the country next week.
Vm Production, a Kaunas based producer of entertainment and sports boats, says it is finishing the assembly of the world's first electric boat and garage with wind turbines and solar panels.
Mr. Peter Wallenberg, President of Wallenberg Foundations AB, and Mr. Magnus Schöldtz, Senior Advisor on international and government affairs.Your Foundation is one of the largest and most respectable investors in our country's economy. I can bravely say that you are symbolizing investment in the Ba...
One of the things Lithuania is best known for is the laser industry. While perhaps not at the very pinnacle of the industry, the country does not compare all too poorly against highly developed states such as the USA, Germany, France, China and others. And at the same time the industry shows no sign...
Lithuania and the other states of the Baltic Sea region should sign a memorandum of understanding in June on synchronization of the Baltic states with continental Europe via Poland. The document should give an impetus to the preparations for synchronized work of the networks.
Ketvirtadienį iškilmingoje ceremonijoje buvo paskelbti 2016 m. „Baltijos rinkos apdovanojimų” nugalėtojai TV tilto, sujungusio vertybinių popierių biržas „Nasdaq Tallinn“, „Nasdaq Riga“ ir „Nasdaq Vilnius“, metu. Pirmą kartą per 11 metų „Baltijos rinkų apdovanojimų” istoriją buvo paskelbtos geriausi...
Conventional wisdom says that the more time you spend at work, the more you accomplish but that has been challenged recently by psychologists and new initiatives in Sweden where employees are trialling six-hour working days. Could this also work in Lithuania?
While banks in Lithuania are resilient enough to possible shocks in the financial markets, a possible burst of the real estate bubble in Scandinavia presents a potential hazard, according to Lithuania's central bank.
Lithuania’s exports are expected to jump 5% to €11.1 billion in 2016 driven by stronger economic growth in both the Eurozone and Scandinavian countries, according to Enterprise Lithuania’s latest projections.
Lithuanian entrepreneurs have been turning away from Russia as their primary market for exports and setting their sight on the Nordic countries. However, different rules apply in Scandinavia, with easy profits hard to come by.
Lithuanians are the least loyal staff among the Baltic, Scandinavian and Western European countries, according to a survey commissioned by construction equipment and modular space rental company, Cramo.
Lithuanian exports grew by 2.6% last year, excluding oil products, despite the Russian embargo on many Lithuanian goods, with exports to Russia falling by more than 50%.