Lithuania's residents and historians believe that the three figures with the main contribution to the country's statehood over the past century include Jonas Basanavičius, the father of national rebirth, Supreme Council Chairman Vytautas Landsbergis and interwar president Antanas Smetona.
Stasys Lozoraitis EN
7 articles
Lithuania is constantly defending itself against accusations or dubious statements that Lithuanians collaborated with the Nazis in the Holocaust. At the same time it's usually in the archives of historians where information is discovered about Lithuanians who, before anybody else, were opening up a ...
The House of Signatories, the building where the Act of Independence of Lithuania was signed in 1918, served as a suitable backdrop just the right background for a new book about the life of Stasys Lozoraitis, a Lithuanian diplomat, and his wife Daniela.
Lietuvos tarpukario geopolitinės idėjos buvo tokios, kad šių laikų politikams ir mokslininkas reiktų dar pasistengti.
Maskvos intrigos prieš Lietuvą nėra tik šiandienos reiškinys. Tai nuolatinis, nesibaigiantis procesas, kurio tikslas paprastas: skleisti savo įtaką greta esančioms valstybėms, laikyti jas savo orbitoje.
13 June 2014 marked the 20th anniversary of the death of ambassador Stasys Lozoraitis and 2 August marked his 90th birthday. Such anniversaries are often a good time to reflect on the life and career.