Net 11 jaunųjų dizainerių iš Lietuvos, Latvijos, Estijos ir Italijos kolekcijų bus pristatyta šį penktadienį, 21:00, tarptautiniame „Sustainable Fashion Week“ Vilnius festivalyje, vyksiančiame tradiciškai pačioje Vilniaus širdyje – ant Rotušės laiptų.
17 articles
Do you often think about how awesome you town or city is? The residents of Alytus surely do because this city is considered one of the greenest corners of Lithuania. What solutions are implemented to maintain the title? The Alytus City Municipality answered this question.
Shop windows displaying the latest in fashion and showcasing new style trends, fashion weeks bringing together the world’s most stylish individuals – all this is primarily associated with excessive consumption. As the result, the fashion industry has long been recognised as one of the world’s most p...
On 12 March 2024, AB AUGA group and its subsidiaries, which develop sustainable agricultural technologies and solutions, commenced the supply of biomethane gas through the natural gas system operated by the gas transmission system operator AB Amber Grid.
Those striving for a more sustainable and environmentally friendly lifestyle are looking for a broader array of options. Some are gradually adjusting their beliefs, modifying or replacing unsustainable daily habits, while others are taking bold steps and transform their lives completely. This proces...
Novaturas says it is the first major tour operator in the Baltic States to offer customers the option of selecting hotels based on sustainability labeling. In addition to location, room type, and other amenities, customers can now choose accommodations that operate responsibly and focus on managing ...
Teltonika Technology Centre in Molėtai announces it has been recognised as the best project in the commercial real estate category in an event dedicated to honour achievements in sustainable development.
On 4 and 5 October, Latvia will host the 14th Annual Forum of the European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR), “Safe and Sustainable Baltic Sea Region for Future Generations”. Its thematic focus will be placed on green energy, climate issues, and youth engagement, the Ministry of Fore...
Galbūt šiandien vabzdžiai lėkštėje mūsų apetito ir nežadina, tačiau dėl savo turtingos maistinės vertės ir ekologiškumo jie vadinami ateities maistu. Todėl vis dažniau sutinkame vabzdžius ne tik savo vartojamų maisto produktų sudėtyje, tačiau ir augintinių pašaruose. Su UAB „Kaivana“ direktoriumi Al...
Taking into consideration global warming and other ecological problems, every one of us should pay attention to our impact on the environment, and not only when performing daily tasks, but also when travelling and engaging in recreational activities. Ecotourism is one of the ways to lighten the burd...
Climate change is a major challenge for humanity, and it is no wonder that Europe and the rest of the world are actively looking for more sustainable solutions. Demands of the European Commission for countries to be more sustainable are increasing, but people’s awareness in certain areas still needs...
Over 100 globally recognized sustainability leaders from the Baltics and beyond, a team of 15 organizing bodies, and a diverse assembly of over 2,000 participants—these impressive figures encapsulate Impact Day, the largest sustainability festival in the Baltics, set to take place on 5-6 October 202...
„Invaldos INVL“ nuosavas kapitalas 2022 m. pabaigoje siekė 130,8 mln. eurų arba 11,07 euro akcijai – šie rodikliai buvo atitinkamai 14,24 proc. ir 13,53 proc. didesni nei prieš metus (įvertinus ir išmokėtus 7,7 mln. eurų dividendus akcininkams), rašoma pranešime žiniasklaidai.
Lithuania and Italy are strengthening cooperation in the field of intermodal transportation by developing new logistics routes for railway and other types of transport between Kaunas, the ports of Trieste and Monfalcone in Italy via the port of Duisburg in Germany, as well as between the Baltic Sea ...
Erik Elvingsson Hedén – žmogus, kuris bene geriausiai gali pasakyti, kaip gyventume, jei „tvarumas“ tebūtų madingas žodis, o ne kasdienių įpročių, įsipareigojimų ir požiūrio visuma. Kurį laiką funkcionuotume kaip įprasta, sako pašnekovas, tačiau neilgai: laikui einant žmonės supranta, kad kalbame ne...
Lithuanian respondents consume more sustainably in the home environment in comparison to the respondents in the UK – such conclusion was made by a group of researchers from Kaunas University of Technology School of Economics and Business (KTU SEB), Lithuania. After analysing the sustainable consumpt...
A band-aid that assesses pain levels quickly and accurately. Sustainable packaging made from tomato stems. A global platform that enables peer-to-peer sharing for travelling parents. All these and dozens of other ideas were developed during Women for Global Challenges innovation sprints in Lithuania...