Michelin, the leading mobility company, on Thursday unveiled its inaugural selection of restaurants for The Michelin Guide Latvia, the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia reports.
5 articles
The traditional St. Casimir's Fair is starting in Vilnius on Friday. For the first time, the fair will include a Jewish Township.
As the Christian world is getting ready for the biggest holiday of the year, Kalėdos, Christmas, for many at its cusp is Kūčios, the Christmas Eve, when an entire family get together for a celebratory supper and celebrate the birth of the saviour, Jesus Christ.
Penktadienį naftos kainos visame pasaulyje pradėjo kilti po to, kai ketvirtadienį naujienų agentūra "Bloomberg" paviešino informaciją apie Saudo Arabijos rugsėjį sumažintas tiekiamos naftos apimtis.
Can centuries-old Lithuanian ethnic culture withstand sweeping globalization? Is it possible to retain national identity when Lithuanian countryside, the stronghold of traditions, is wilting away? And what should the authorities do in handing down the ancestral heritage to youth so that it keeps liv...