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Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
8 articles
The United States' trade policy and possible negotiations on a free trade agreement with the European Union (EU) will not get in motion anytime soon, as they are not a key priority for the current US administration, say analysts of the US conservative public policy research centre Heritage Foundatio...
Lietuvos užsienio reikalų ministras teigiamai vertina Belgijos Valonijos regiono sprendimą neblokuoti Europos Sąjungos (ES) ir Kanados laisvosios prekybos sutarties (Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement, CETA), kurią numatoma pasirašyti sekmadienį.
Переговоры США и ЕС по соглашению о Трансатлантическом торговом и инвестиционном партнерстве (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, TTIP), вероятнее всего, будут приостановлены. Такое мнение высказал государственный секретарь внешней торговли, развития туризма и по делам французских гражда...
Although the Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) is less debated in Lithuania than in many larger member states of the European Union, recent charges by a large investor, Veolia, against Lithuania illustrate the fears that many, especially European green movements, have had about the agreement all al...