Viktor Uspaskich EN

98 articles

Justina Vaišvilaitė-Braziulienė, Karolis Broga

Former MEP Viktoras Uspaskich, honorary chair of the Labour Party, is returning to lead the party for a definite time, the party’s ruling body announced Tuesday.

2024.07.03 10:40

Artėjant 2020 Seimo rinkimams, Lietuvos laisvosios rinkos institutas išrinko ir įvertino ryškiausias partijų rinkimų programų nuostatas, kurių įgyvendinimas paveiktų žmonių atlyginimus, mokesčius, pasirinkimo laisvę ir kasdienį ekonominį gyvenimą. Kas slypi po partijų pažadais? Į kurias nuostatas ri...

2020.10.07 15:55
Rimvydas Valatka

Something special should be said on a morning such as this. Indeed, elections, which are the most important for most, were just held. Firstly, important because mayors and municipal council members are the closest to the people of all the branches of government. And second, these elections will chan...

2019.03.04 13:44

We know love is blind. It is inexplicable. We can say the same about voter sympathies. Sociologist, after evaluating citizens’ interests, social status and prevalent moods can in part guess their preferences, though truth be told, typically it is already past facts that are analysed, which are grant...

2019.02.28 13:32
Kęstutis Girnius

The graft case involving eight judges is the greatest blow to Lithuanian judges and courts since independence was recovered. It is correctly emphasised that we should not rush to conclusions and that currently the suspects only stand accused and their guilt has not been proven.

2019.02.26 18:10
Media Briefing

What do Saulius Skvernelis‘ unusual actions – reaction to teachers‘ strikes, dismissing ministers, talks about coups and contacting the special services regarding the Kremlin‘s hand among politicians – say about his goals? According to some experts, this is a well thought out strategy, however other...

2018.12.18 17:57