World Health Organization

33 articles

Dr. Hsueh Jui-yuan

The three years of the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in a terrible loss of life and exacerbated health inequalities. The global economy slumped and, worldwide, people’s lives were affected. This experience demonstrated that the present global health governance framework is not effective in responding t...

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Манипуляция: ученый из Канады утверждает, что вакцины вызывают болезни Паркинсона и Альцгеймера

В социальной сетях пользователи делятся и обсуждают фрагмент видео, в котором канадский ученый, невролог, говорит об опасности вакцинации, утверждая, что в их составе в качестве вспомогательного вещества присутствует алюминий (адъювант).

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg says a fake letter sent out in his name to announce alleged withdrawal of allied troops from Lithuania was aimed at sowing confusion and undermining the unity of NATO allies by capitalizing on the COVID-19 crisis.

Prof. Robert van Voren, head of Vytautas Magnus University’s Andrei Sakharov Research Centre for Democratic Development

Over the past two decades mental health has made quite a progress in moving up the global political agenda. In the 1990s mental health was definitely not considered as such, and it took an extensive study carried out under auspices of the World Health Organization to convince the World Bank that the...