Likimas vienam iš 1863–1864 metų sukilimo vadų Zigmantui Sierakauskui ir jo mylimai žmonai Apolonijai skyrė vos devynis bendro gyvenimo mėnesius. „Tai buvo trumpa, bet labai tikra ir persmelkianti meilė“, – neabejoja rašytoja Gina Viliūnė, poros istoriją papasakojusi naujausiame savo romane „Apoloni...
Zigmantas Sierakauskas EN
14 articles
A Lithuanian government commission has decided that the remains of participants of the 1863-1864 uprising against Tsarist Russia should be buried in Vilnius' old Rasos Cemetery next year.
Lithuanian researchers want to conduct genetic analyses to identify the remains of Konstantinas Kalinauskas (Konstanty Kalinowski), one of the leaders of the 1863 uprising against Tsarist Russia, among the remains of 17 people found on Vilnius' Gediminas Hill.
Anthropologists will unveil on Thursday the latest findings of their research of human remains found on the Gediminas Hill in downtown Vilnius.
Specialists on Saturday decided to close the Gediminas Hill in downtown Vilnius to visitors after a landslide on its eastern slope.
Researchers expect to confirm after genetic testing that the remains of Žigmantas Sierakauskas (Zygmunt Sierakowski) and Konstantinas Kalinauskas (Konstanty Kalinowski), the leaders of the 1863 uprising against Tsarist Russia, are among those found on the Gediminas Hill in downtown Vilnius, but say ...
After a call from the Lithuanian National Museum to take additional security measures at the foot of the Gediminas Hill, the Vilnius municipality on Saturday imposed restrictions on pedestrian and bicycle traffic at the southeastern slope of the hill.
Archeologists are believed to have found the remains of the two most famous leaders of the 1863 uprising against Tsarist Russia -- Zigmantas Sierakauskas (Zygmunt Sierakowski) and Konstantinas Kalinauskas (Konstanty Kalinowski) -- on the top of the Gediminas Hill in downtown Vilnius.
1863 metų sukilimo vadas Zigmantas Sierakauskas gebėjo burti bendraminčius, priimti strateginius sprendimus ir megzti diplomatinius ryšius, tačiau jam nepavyko numatyti išdavystės, kuri šią nepaprastą istorinę asmenybę ir pražudė. Paslaptis gaubia ir aplinkybes, kuriomis jo kaip ir kitų Lukiškių aik...
Zigmantas Sierakauskas, the leader of the Lithuanian 1863 uprising against the tsarist Russia, is important to Lithuania as a symbol of freedom, historian Zita Medišauskienė says.
Gedimino kalne galimai rasti sukilimo vado Z. Sierakausko palaikai: tyrimai užtruks apie pusę metų (4)
Tyrimai, skirti galutinai patvirtinti, kad archeologai Gedimino kalne iš tikrųjų rado 1863 metų sukilimo prieš carinę Rusiją vado Zigmanto Sierakausko palaikus, užtruks apie pusę metų, sako kultūros viceministras Renaldas Augustinavičius.
Remains of Zigmantas Sierakauskas, the leader of the Lithuanian 1863 uprising against the tsarist Russia, have been found on the Gedimino Hill in central Vilnius, the Culture Ministry said on Wednesday, citing initial data.
Lithuanian archeologists discovered remains of four persons on the top of the Gediminas Hill in downtown Vilnius, guessing they could be the bodies of the participants of the 1863-1864 uprising.