Lenkijai pareiškus, kad dalis Europos Sąjungos sutarties straipsnių yra „nesuderinami“ su šios šalies Konstitucija, pasigirdo kalbos apie galimą šalies pasitraukimą iš Europos Sąjungos, dar kitaip, „Polexit“. Nors „Delfi“ kalbinti ekspertai sako, kad tokia tikimybė nėra didelė, šalies išstojimas iš ...
Žygimantas Mauricas EN
47 articles
Žygimantas Mauricas is a Lithuanian economist.
Luminor economists forecast economy to grow at 2.7% next year in Lithuania, as external economic environment is expected to deteriorate. The GDP growth will be detained by increasingly active seismic zones in global macroeconomic landscape. Economists suggest that in the eve of cyclical slowdown, th...
In the wake of a long period of economic growth, savings have gone up – but so has indebtedness. A growing number of people are struggling: every fifth European needs to borrow in order to pay bills. That group has increased from 15% three years ago to 20% this year. In the Baltics, the situation di...
Asylum seekers are not allowed to take up jobs or start businesses in Lithuania until they have been granted temporary or permanent residence, but international and some local experts say that changing the rules would benefit the economy and refugee integration, the daily Lietuvos Žinios reported on...
Lithuanian economists and trade union officials say that the government's planned tax and pension system reform unveiled on Monday will lead to a rise in wages, but will not help to drastically curb emigration.
After the Lithuanian environment minister initiated restructuring of state forests, analysts say the country's 42 state forest institutions should be restructured within the coming two years, as otherwise the reform may be left unimplemented.
According to the data of early surveys, Ramūnas Karbauskis’ Peasant and Greens Union’s popularity could have jumped up to 28% after the elections. Such a jump in ratings means significant expectations from the public toward the party. The party leaders promised faster increases in income, fighting e...