С марта 2022 года по август 2023 года литовские компании в обход санкций экспортировали в Россию товары двойного назначения на сумму не менее 130 млн. евро, сообщил во вторник Отдел расследований LRT.
69 straipsnių
Группа компаний, занимающаяся производством продуктов питания, Fazer рассматривает возможность объединения всех пекарен в странах Балтии на базе завода в Огре (Латвия). Это означает закрытие в Каунасе завода, на котором работают 185 человек.
Экономическая неопределенность, продолжающаяся война в Украине и ожидания года выборов влияют на отношение общества к организациям частного и государственного секторов, о чем свидетельствуют результаты исследования "Литовский индекс репутации", проведенного в девятый раз.
Десяток литовских компаний в 2022 году получили более 100 млн прибыли до налогообложения, сообщает Verslo žinios.
Dešimtis Lietuvos įmonių 2022 m., gavo daugiau nei 100 mln. ikimokestinio pelno, skelbia „Verslo žinios“.
Lithuania’s State Security Department (VSD) reports that suspects have been detained in Estonia and Latvia who engaged in criminal activities on the instructions of Russia’s special services.
On 29 January-4 February, compared with the previous week, the wholesale price of electricity in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia fell by 21% and stood at EUR 64.4/MWh on average.
Самая большая средняя зарплата в декабре 2023 года в Литве составила больше 100 000 евро, а больше 10 000 евро "на бумаге" в среднем своим работникам выплатили около 100 компаний, таковы данные Фонда социального страхования ("Содры"). В первую пятерку вошли компании, занимающиеся рекламой, производс...
Preliminary data shows that in 2023, the Latvian national airline airBaltic carried approximately 4.5 million passengers, which is a 36% increase compared to 2022. In the last 12 months, the airline performed over 44 thousand flights – 18% more than the year before, the airline said in a press relea...
Lithuania lacks talent capable of creating high added value and contributing to enhanced competitiveness of the economy. According to a survey of more than 120 employers in the information and communication technologies (ICT) sector, companies operating in ICT alone are ready to recruit at least 7 6...
Construction of Bio City, Europe’s largest biotechnology city and the first one in the Baltics, has officially begun in Vilnius. Its first complex is expected to open in the second quarter of 2024.
In May 2023, Lithuania assumed the Presidency of the International Transport Forum (ITF). Young Tae Kim, secretary-general of the world’s only body with a global mandate for all transport modes, believes this is an opportunity for Lithuania to shine on the international stage and to establish itself...
Thermo Fisher Scientific Baltics has topped the list of 100 most valuable Lithuanian companies compiled by 15min news website and partners.
Pigu Hobbyhall Group (PHH Group), the leading e-commerce Group in the Baltics and Finland that operates Pigu.lt in Lithuania, 220.lv in Latvia, Kaup24.ee and Hansapost.ee in Estonia and Hobbyhall.fi in Finland, announced today that Dariusz Wcislo has taken over as CEO of the group. He succeeds Flori...
Luminor Bank’s CEO Peter Bosek will leave Luminor on 30 June 2024 to return to Austria and become the new Chief Executive Officer of Erste Group Bank AG, one of the largest financial services providers in Central and Eastern Europe.
Impact Day will bring more than 150 well-known and inspiring speakers to Tallinn, Põhjala factory this Thursday and Friday. Approximately 2,000 people will take part in the festival.
Lietuva – palanki valstybė į Europos Sąjungą (ES) norinčioms žengti Taivano aukštųjų medicinos technologijų įmonėms, teigia salos verslo atstovai, Lietuvą dar vadinantys „vartais į didžiąsias Europos rinkas“.
A green energy company Ignitis Renewables is expanding its management team. Anu Eslas, an executive with international experience, will oversee international business development at the company. The offshore development specialist started working at Ignitis Renewables on 19 September, the company sa...
Impact Day 2023, delivering the largest sustainability celebration in the Baltics, is making history as the region's first carbon-neutral festival. Taking place on October 5 and 6 at Põhjala Tehas in Tallinn, the festival is set to bring together individuals, companies, and thought leaders committed...
Every newborn registered in the Olaine municipality, central part of Latvia, will receive a baby care package worth over EUR 50 from Olainfarm AS, leading pharmaceutical company in the Baltics, as of this summer.