Former US President George W. Bush’s promise to defend Lithuania, made over 20 years ago in a speech, is still valid, says a former Commanding General of US Army Europe.
Ben Hodges EN
7 straipsnių
Retired US General Ben Hodges, despite his official retirement, remains deeply involved in NATO logistics and advising on security matters in Eastern Europe. In an exclusive interview with DELFI, he emphasizes the crucial role of Finland and Sweden's NATO membership in bolstering the alliance's defe...
Retired US General Ben Hodges, despite his official retirement, remains deeply involved in NATO logistics and advising on security matters in Eastern Europe. In an exclusive interview with DELFI, he emphasizes the crucial role of Finland and Sweden's NATO membership in bolstering the alliance's defe...
Buvęs JAV sausumos pajėgų Europoje vadas Benas Hodgesas teigia – tai, kad Vladimiras Putinas ką tik nužudė opozicionierių Aleksejų Navalną, parodo, kaip Kremlius iš tiesų bijo savo pačių visuomenės. Atsargos generolas leitenantas taip pat įvertino karo Ukrainoje perspektyvą 2024-aisiais.
Premjerės patarėjas Vaidas Navickas trečiadienį feisbuke viešai sukritikavo krašto apsaugos ministrą Arvydą Anušauską dėl, anot jo, tikrovės neatitinkančių samprotavimų. V. Navickas tokiu įrašo pasidalino po to, kai A. Anušauskas pakomentavo buvusio JAV sausumos pajėgų vado Europoje Beno Hodgeso pas...
Turkey's decision to block the updated defense plans for the Baltic states and Poland might make military planning more difficult but it's not a catastrophe as other planning instruments remain, retired US General Ben Hodges says.
The deployment of a US battalion to Lithuania sends the message that Lithuanians can rely on Americans to meet their commitments to NATO despite Washington's controversial decision to withdraw from Syria, Ben Hodges, the former US Army commander in Europe, has said.