US President-elect Donald Trump recently stated that Canada should become the 51st state of the United States and that the US could acquire Greenland and the Panama Canal. Lithuania’s Foreign Minister Kęstutis Budrys suggests waiting for the new US administration to take office and only then judge i...
97 straipsnių
Donald Trump’s statements about turning Canada into a state of the United States or seizing Greenland and the Panama Canal should be seen as merely the negotiating stance of the US president-elect, the head of the Seimas security committee says.
Additional military equipment and vehicles have arrived in Latvia from Canada, Latvian Minister of Defence Andris Spruds announced via social network X on Monday, also showing photos of multiple armoured fighting vehicles unloaded in a port.
Pranešimai apie tai, kad Kanadoje buvo patvirtinta pirmoji augaliniu pagrindu pagaminta vakcina nuo COVID-19 įkaitino socialinių tinklų vartotojų vaizduotę. Jau kelis mėnesius internete pasirodo pranešimų apie tai, kad vakcinas ketinama tiekti per daržoves ir kitus augalus, todėl žmonės, jų pavartoj...
On 15 December, President of Latvia Edgars Rinkēvičs met with Canadian Minister of Defence Bill Blair in the Riga Castle to discuss bilateral cooperation between the two countries, especially in the areas of defence and security policy, stated the president’s press service.
President of Latvia Edgars Rinkēvičs on Monday met with Minister of Defence Ināra Mūrniece at the Riga Castle to discuss current national security and defence issues, stated the Office of the President.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has confirmed his personal participation in the NATO summit, which will take place in Lithuania’s capital, Vilnius, on 11-12 July, reports Ukrinform.
Вильнюсский аэропорт начинает принимать самолеты, которые доставляют лидеров 50 стран. На портале уже можно увидеть, что некоторые руководители уже летят в Литву. Президент Гитанас Науседа встретил в Вильнюсском аэропорту президента Соединенных Штатов Америки (США) Джо Байдена, при...
Правительственный борт Canadair CL-600-2B19 Challenger 850 с номером EW-301PJ направился из Минска в Турцию по необычному маршруту, свидетельствуют данные сервиса
11 апреля журналист канадского "Радио-Канада" Симон Кутю опубликовал расследование про участие бойцов полка "Азов" в канадской военной программе "Юнифаер". Ряд пророссийских СМИ отреагировали на этот материал следующими заголовками: "Власти Канады потратили около миллиарда долларов на тренировки бой...
„Melo detektorius“ atkreipė dėmesį į socialiniuose tinkluose plintančią melagingą žinutę, kuria dalinamasi ir lietuviškose „Facebook“ paskyrose. Žinutėse teigiama, esą Kanadoje 33 tūkst. gydytojų sukilo prieš privalomą vakcinaciją ir surengė protestą. Prie tokių pranešimų pridedamas vaizdo siužetas ...
Belarusian opposition leader Svetlana Tikhanovskaya has raised the issue of relocating the 2021 IIHF Ice Hockey World Championship, scheduled to be co-hosted by Minsk, to step up pressure on Belarus' authoritarian President Alexander Lukashenko, her spokeswoman confirmed to BNS on Saturday.
Lithuania's Health Ministry has updated its list of coronavirus-affected countries and people arriving from Norway, Hungary and Canada will be required to self-isolate from Monday.
Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda on Thursday appointed Deputy Foreign Minister Darius Skusevicius as the country's ambassador to Canada.
Lithuania's wet-lease airlines "GetJet" has started its operations in Canadian market. It is their first step entering the Northern American market.
On Tuesday, Lithuania faced a much stronger opponent in Canada than they did against Senegal. It was obvious right from the start that Canada was playing with the aggression level of a team trying hard to avoid elimination. Unfortunately for them, however, Lithuania was playing like they usually do,...
As Canada celebrates its birthday on 1 July, namely, the 152nd anniversary of the establishment of confederation, the Town Hall of Vilnius was lit up in colours of the Canadian flag. Vilnius city municipality and the Embassy of Lithuania in Canada congratulated Canadians, who are staying in Lithuani...
Vilnius Town Hall will be lit in the colors of Canada's flag on the occasion of Canada Day, the Vilnius authorities announced.
На этой неделе в США ожидаются аномальные морозы, предупредили метеорологи, объяснив редкое для этой местности погодное явление влиянием полярного вихря. В некоторых местах температура может опуститься до -53 градусов по Цельсию.
JAV bendrovės „SpaceX“ kosminė kapsulė sekmadienį vėlai vakare sėkmingai nusileido Ramiajame vandenyne netoli Meksikos Pietų Kalifornijos valstijos krantų, praėjus kelioms valandoms po atsiskyrimo nuo Tarptautinės kosminės stoties, pranešė pareigūnai. Kapsulės nusileidimo vietoje laukę „SpaceX“ pasa...