The Central Electoral Commission (VRK) on Thursday ruled after hours of deliberation that the show Kitokie pasikalbėjimai, in which President Gitanas Nausėda participated during the 2024 election campaign, was concealed political advertising.
Central Electoral Commission
240 straipsnių
Four newly elected members of the Seimas had informed the Central Electoral Commission (VRK) by 11 November that they will not be serving in the next Parliament.
The Central Electoral Commission (VRK) has noticed that more Lithuanians are registering to vote in the second round of 2024 parliamentary elections abroad, in Sejny, Poland, and Riga, Latvia. The watchdog says that people from the environment of both candidates competing in the World Lithuanians’ c...
More than 37,000 voters have cast their ballots on the first early voting day in the runoff parliamentary elections, the Central Electoral Commission (VRK) said Tuesday evening. This accounts for 1.8% of all registered voters.
The Central Electoral Commission (VRK) says it has no indication that the incoming postal votes from the World Lithuanians’ constituency will have a significant impact on results of the first round of the Seimas elections.
Votes have been recounted in the final two of the six single member-constituencies reporting close results, the Central Electoral Commission (VRK) has said.
The election outcome has changed in the Utena single-member constituency after ballot recount, with a Social Democrat dropping to the third place from initial results, the Central Electoral Commission (VRK) said Tuesday.
Eight candidates have won across single-member constituencies in the first round of the parliamentary elections, preliminary data of the Central Electoral Commission (VRK) suggest.
The Central Electoral Commission (VRK) on Thursday officially removed the party’s the Nemunas Dawn candidate Gitana Markovičienė from upcoming parliamentary elections.
The Central Electoral Commission (VRK) has found that Petras Gražulis, member of the European Parliament, was bribing voters by promising to give away half of his MEP’s salary to them.
The Central Electoral Commission (VRK) has registered a total of 19 parties for elections to the Seimas due in October.
Lithuania has been ranked 39th in the global democracy index for 2023 with a score of 7.31 out of 10, the Central Electoral Commission (VRK) said Wednesday. The country’s position was the same as a year before.
The Central Electoral Commission (VRK) earlier concluded that Petras Gražulis, who has been elected to the European Parliament, currently does not have immunity from prosecution and may stand trial for expressing contempt for LGBT individuals. Yet the court has obliged a prosecutor to address the Eu...
Early voting opened at polling stations at 7 a.m. Tuesday to elect Lithuania’s next president and decide on the retention of citizenship in a mandatory referendum.
Lawyer Ignas Vėgėlė, one of eight candidates in the 2024 presidential election, has refused financial donations offered by the Lithuanian Farmers and Greens party (LVŽS).
The Central Electoral Commission (VRK) announces it has registered Gitanas Nausėda, Ingrida Šimonytė and Dainius Žalimas as presidential candidates after ruling that they met the requirements set out in the electoral code.
Lawyer Ignas Vėgėlė, one of presidential candidates in 2024 election, has complained to the Central Electoral Commission (VRK) over incumbent President Gitanas Nausėda’s visits to regional areas ahead of the race in May.
On Friday, 12 January, the Central Electoral Commission (VRK) registered incumbent President Gitanas Nausėda as an independent participant of the political campaign for the 2024 presidential election.
The Central Electoral Commission of Lithuania (VRK) for the second time has refused to register Antanas Kandrotas as an independent participant of the 2024 presidential election campaign due to a failure to provide the required documents.
MP Aurelijus Veryga, presidential candidate nominated by the Farmers and Greens (LVŽS), has raised the biggest sum in donations for his campaign so far, almost two months after the presidential election campaign kicked off.