The Central Statistical Bureau provisional data show that birth numbers kept declining in 2024 – 12,571 children were born in Latvia, which is 1,919 children (13.2%) fewer than in 2023.
30 straipsnių
The natural population change remained negative in Lithuania in 2024 as the number of deaths exceeded the number of births by 18,800.
Vilnius has overtaken Latvia’s capital Riga as the most populous city in the Baltic States, Made in Vilnius news website reports, citing figures from the statistical office.
Around 3,300 shelters in Lithuania could accommodate around 30% of the country’s population, says the Vilnius Fire and Rescue Board.
Last year, nearly 2,000 new residents were officially registered in Vilnius district. The latest data of the Centre of Registers indicates that 116,579 people live in Vilnius district.
Last year, every eighth Lithuanian resident faced material and social deprivation, every seventeenth – severe material and social deprivation, the State Data Agency said in a press release.
Lithuania's population has grown for the first time in 28 years due to migration trends, the country's statistics office said.
Almost 550 more people came to live in Lithuania in August then left but the majority of those who emigrated were Lithuanian citizens, the latest figures from the country's statistics office, Statistics Lithuania, showed on Monday.
Lithuania's cabinet of ministers has endorsed a plan to address massive emigration which has been a drain on the country's population and labour force. To read this article, try a €5.99 monthly subscription by clicking here.
Kaunas, Lithuania's second city, is facing serious challenges as its population shrinks and young families move to the suburbs.
Over the last 25 years, the population of Lithuania has fallen from 3.7 million to 2.9 million, shrinking by over 1% annually. While predictions of the eventual extinction of the Lithuanian people are premature, the trends are a real cause for concern and will present huge challenges for the country...
Lithuania is facing grave demographic problems in the coming decades as its society continues to age at an alarming rate.
Didžioji dalis europiečių tikriausiai mano, kad Europoje gyventojų skaičius sparčiai auga - tai turėtų būti itin jaučiama Vakarų Europoje. Vis dėlto sociologų atlikti tyrimai piešia kiek kitokį Europos populiacijos žemėlapį.
Demographics will soon be the biggest problem facing Lithuanian society and industry, leading economists have warned, urging Lithuanian politicians to address the massive emigration that has been draining the Lithuanian population for over a decade now.
Over the last year, Lithuania's population has shrunk by 33,000 people, Statistics Lithuania says. It is the size of a mid-sized town.
The Lithuanian population has lost 1.1% or 32,700 people over the last year, preliminary estimates from Statistics Lithuania suggest. The primary reason for the negative growth is emigration.
Will Lithuania ever again be a nation of 3.5 million? This target, championed by the leaders of six political parties, is to be achieved by 2025. Some experts say it reeks of utopianism, while others point to historic precedents in other countries.
The latest UN population estimates and projections report states that Europe's population is ageing and shrinking, a trend which more than applies to Estonia as well, according to the National Broadcasting.