The Coalition Council will convene on Monday amid tensions related to Remigijus Žemaitaitis’ recent statements on defence spending, an aide to the prime minister has told ELTA.
12 straipsnių
On 3 February, the Armed Forces noticed a suspicious login into a user account of its ILIAS distant learning system. The military confirmed this to the public broadcaster LRT.
As bomb threats against Lithuanian schools and kindergartens continue, the police have identified multiple email accounts from which the treats are made.
The Bank of Lithuania, the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), the Lithuanian Banking Association (LBA) and individual financial market participants have agreed to cooperate by exchanging special information on cyber threats, the central bank said in a press release.
Ar tikrai Podoliakas sakė, kad Ukraina praleido progą karo pradžioje išžudyti daug prorusiškų ukrainiečių? (1)
Iš konteksto ištraukti ir melagingai interpretuoti Ukrainos prezidento biuro vadovo patarėjo Michailo Podoliako žodžiai neva atskleidžia, kad Ukrainos siekis karo pradžioje buvo išnaikinti prorusiškus ukrainiečius.
Kibernetinį karą prieš Lietuvą skelbę rusų programišiai patys buvo apnuoginti: tarp paviešintų asmenų gali būti ir lietuvis (1)
Lietuvai ir dar devynioms šalims kibernetinį karą paskelbusi Rusijos programišių grupuotė „Killnet“ pati sulaukė išpuolio – Ukrainai padedanti „Anonymous“ paviešino „Killnet“ narių duomenis. Sąraše elektroniniai paštai ir slaptažodžiai, o vienas slaptažodis – lietuviškai skambantis „pidaras123“. Asm...
Socialiniuose tinkluose ir alternatyviais save vadinančiuose žiniasklaidos portaluose platinama klaidinga informacija apie daugelį pasaulio visuomenių sukrėtusius vaizdus iš Bučos miesto Ukrainoje po to, kai miestas buvo išlaisvintas nuo okupantų. Pranešimuose bandoma įrodyti, esą žudynės Bučoje buv...
A Spaniard, deemed undesirable, has been sent out of Lithuania on Thursday.
The Lithuanian, Estonian, Ukrainian and Swedish foreign ministers issued a joint statement in Tallinn on Tuesday, condemning Russia's actions in Ukraine and also voicing support to Kiev's European integration aspirations.
In the context of an emerging conflict between the so-called old Europe and the United States, Western European leaders are actively promoting the new geopolitical axis of Lisbon-Vladivostok which leaves behind the interests of Eastern European countries. An alternative to this project that should e...
The Lithuania Tribune / EN.DELFI TV spoke to Jonas Ohman - a founder of the civic initiative Blue and Yellow, a Lithuania-based group that helps to gather funds, acquire some needed military gear and transport it to Ukrainian military units on the ground. He has just returned from Ukraine, where he ...
A reported uptick in pro-Russian activity in the eastern Latvian region of Latgale highlights Riga's concerns about Russia, particularly in light of the standoff between Moscow and the West over Ukraine. Although the potential for serious pro-Russian separatist activity to materialize is much lower ...