
35 straipsnių

Karolis Broga

On Wednesday, the storage facility of counter mobility equipment in Rūdninkai Training Area, south of Vilnius, was presented to members of the Seimas Committee on National Security and Defence. MPs were informed that these facilities are an integral part of the Baltic defence line.

Justina Vaišvilaitė-Braziulienė

Minister of National Defence Laurynas Kasčiūnas has unveiled an urban model for the 190-hectare Rūdninkai military campus being built to host the German brigade. The EUR 995-million-worth project is expected to be completed by the end of 2024.

Vis labiau šąlantis oras neramina palapinėse apgyvendintus neteisėtus migrantus. Štai Rūdninkų poligone palapinėse nuolat gyvena apie 700 vyrų ir, nors šią savaitę jiems buvo parūpintos šiltos striukės, pasak migrantų, prie vėsaus oro vis tiek labai sunku priprasti. Tuo metu stovyklos vadovai sako, ...