„Tesla“ netoli Berlyno esančioje vienintelėje savo Europos gamykloje ketina atleisti 400 darbuotojų, antradienį pranešė JAV automobilių gamintoja, pirmiau paskelbusi, kad darbuotojų skaičius visame pasaulyje bus mažinamas 10 proc.
Tesla EN
6 straipsnių
Walteris Huangas žuvo, kai jo automobilis rėžėsi į greitkelio užtvarą, o „Tesla“ teisme išvengė klausimų apie automobilyje panaudotą technologiją.
It seems that Tesla hopes more its cars in Lithuania.
Vice-President of the Riigikogu and former Prime Minister Taavi Rõivas, and the Deputy Chairman of the E-Estonia Support Group and the Environment Committee Kalle Palling sent a letter to five leading manufacturers of autonomous cars on March 7. In their letter, they are inviting major international...
The virtual factory of electric elements for US electric car manufacturer Tesla built by Lithuanians shows that the Baltic state features talented specialists, and the name of Lithuania was put on the map after the US company noticed their work, says businessman Vladas Lašas.