Uber EN

11 straipsnių

the Lithuania Tribune, LRT

About a third of all taxi drivers in Vilnius are working illegally, according to an investigation by the city's municipality. Although drivers mark their cars as taxis, many do not meet official requirements.

LT Daily

Uber, the international ride sharing platform that has recently started operating in Vilnius, is balancing in the "grey area" of legality, a Transport Ministry official says. The ministry and the Lithuanian tax authorities are still waiting for full documentation from the company, Lietuvos Žinios re...

Uber, the international ride sharing app, started operating in the Lithuanian capital, Vilnius, on Thursday. The company has also announced its rates.

Uber, the company behind the mobile app that provides access to vehicles for hire, is in talks with Vilnius authorities about bringing the alternative to taxi service to the Lithuanian capital, LRT.lt reports.