Baltic region

47 articles

Lithuanian Airports has entered into a contract agreement with HISK, an infrastructure construction company that successfully secured the public procurement bid. HISK will oversee the expansion and development of Kaunas Airport’s northern apron, with a contract value of EUR 15 million (excluding VAT...

2023.10.26 09:20

Investment transactions in the Baltic countries last year totalled 810 million euros. The majority of deals were for prime office and retail properties, with increasing investments by global market players, Newsec – The Full Service Property House in Northern Europe – writes in the 2019 edition of t...

2019.06.08 05:22
Andrius Kubilius

Gerai, kad gimė pilietinė iniciatyva „Idėja Lietuvai“. Nes valstybės ir visuomenės gyvenimas be naujų ambicijų ar idėjų yra pasmerktas niūriai stagnacijai. Stagnacinė savijauta yra pavojinga tuo, kad žmonės praranda viltį, jog reikalai šioje šalyje gali keistis į geresnę pusę. O kai žmonės praranda ...

2017.10.10 10:26
the Lithuania Tribune

Most diners in Denmark and Sweden are familiar with the trademark and the many initiatives of the White Guide. For thirteen consecutive years, White Guide has published comprehensive local guides about the gastronomy of Sweden and Denmark, and 2014 saw the arrival of the very first guide in English ...

2016.10.25 12:51