Cold War

83 articles

Dmitry Semenov

Is there opposition in Russia? Do Russian people support the war? Are liberal ideas popular only in Moscow and a few other large cities: myth or reality? Why did Putin’s regime decide to kill Nemtsov and imprison Navalny? You will hear answers to these and many other questions in Delfi’s interview w...

2023.10.27 15:55
Dr. Alpo Rusi

Finland faced a moment of truth on February 24, 2022. In case Ukraine’s defense would have collapsed, Finland’s security policy of non-alignment would have been worth of nothing. The Finnish leaders had to make a choice almost by overnight either to give up non-alignment or to remain increasingly un...

2023.06.15 13:23

Joanna Kulig iš Lenkijos ir Marcellas Fontė iš Italijos karūnuoti Europos Metų aktoriais. Per Europos kino apdovanojimų ceremoniją Sevilijoje J. Kulig trofėjus skirtas už vaidmenį Pawelo Pawlikowskio meilės dramoje „Šaltasis karas“ („Cold War“).

2018.12.17 14:52

"Если учесть, как часто противники Путина умирали насильственной смертью, то Михаил Ходорковский - когда-то богатейший россиянин, имевший 15 млрд долларов, - выглядит поразительно расслабленным?, - пишет в статье, опубликованной Sunday Times Питер Конради.

2018.01.29 15:34
Mikko Waltari | the Lithuania Tribune

Edward Lucas, the former senior editor of the Economist, visited Vilnius on January 10th — once again, should we say. He lived in Lithuania in the Nineties and is such a frequent commentator and visitor in Lithuania that he even speaks the language a bit. His work has been revolving around Russia fo...

2018.01.15 12:31

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg on Thursday assured the Baltic states that the most important thing for the Alliance was to deter, not to copy Russian actions amid the rising tensions between the West and Moscow over its increased military activity in the Baltic Sea region.

2016.10.28 07:11
Dmitri Trenin, Carnegie Moscow Center

With tensions between Moscow and NATO at its worst since the end of the Cold War, it is now more important than ever that each side understand one another and maintain channels of serious communication, argues Dmitri Trenin, director of the Carnegie Moscow Center.

2016.08.11 07:29
Dr. Margarita Šešelgytė

The NATO summit in Warsaw has been lauded as historical, a breaking point that gave the Baltic states and Poland a reason to celebrate and stop fearing potential aggression from Russia.

2016.07.19 07:21