Is there opposition in Russia? Do Russian people support the war? Are liberal ideas popular only in Moscow and a few other large cities: myth or reality? Why did Putin’s regime decide to kill Nemtsov and imprison Navalny? You will hear answers to these and many other questions in Delfi’s interview w...
32 articles
Easter, the feast of the resurrection, comes to us with the largest table. Baked ham, meat rolls, stuffed fish, vegetable dishes and pies – it’s simply impossible to eat everything. In Lithuania, the beginning of Easter has long been declared by beautifully decorated Easter eggs dyed in the colours ...
The first results of whether people complied with the quarantine requirements during the Easter weekend will be visible after around a week since the end of it, Lithuanian Health Minister Aurelijus Veryga says.
Lithuanian Catholic bishops have invited the faithful to celebrate the Easter season by joining in prayers to be broadcast over the Internet, radio and television.
Naujasis vis dar statomas Pekino Dasingo tarptautinis oro uostas pirmadienį pradėjo pirmuosius bandomuosius skrydžius: vakariniame pakilimo ir nusileidimo take nusileido „China Southern Airlines“ lėktuvas. „China Southern Airlines“ priklausantis „Airbus A380“ buvo pirmasis bandomąjį skrydį šiame oro...
В Шри-Ланке произошел восьмой по счету взрыв, передает Франс-пресс со ссылкой на полицию. О пострадавших в последнем инциденте пока неизвестно. Правительство страны объявило о введении комендантского часа с 18.00 до 6:00 утра. Также принято решение закрыть доступ ко всем крупным соцсетям и интернет-...
По сообщению WikiLeaks, американские прокуроры случайно нашли соответствующий документ при рассмотрении досье по другому делу. Суть обвинений, предъявленных Ассанжу, пока неизвестна.
Rugsėjo 1 dieną Lietuvos kino sales pasieks bendras rumunų, moldavų ir lietuvių kūrėjų darbas – juodoji komedija „Kartą Rytų Europoje" (The Eastern Business). Pirmieji ją pamatys „Kino po žvaigždėmis" žiūrovai rugpjūčio 31 dieną.
Amerikietis Robertas Easteris prieš Denisą Šafikovą iš Rusijos. Šie boksininkai savaitgalį kausis dėl pasaulio čempiono titulo. Tai bus lengvo svorio (iki 61,5 kg) atletų akistata dėl IBF (Tarptautinės bokso federacijos) nugalėtojo diržo.
Новый пассажирский самолет китайской разработки в пятницу выполнил свой первый полет. Лайнер поднялся в воздух из международного аэропорта Шанхая.
The coming Easter weekend in Lithuania will be chilly with rainfall and sleet, weather services said.
Российские власти развернули кампанию, цель которой — при помощи скрытых политических и экономических средств влиять на ситуацию в пяти странах Центральной и Восточной Европе, в том числе и в Латвии. К такому выводу пришли эксперты американского частного исследовательского центра Center for Strategi...
The public voting for the Lithuania Tribune Easter egg competition is over, and this year's winner was Christine Luschas from Pennsylvania!
Easter egg decoration is a cherished tradition in Lithuania, so we invited our readers to share their love for that tradition by participating in our Easter egg contest!
What a difference a week makes. The long Easter weekend was a very sunny one. Temperatures are at long last rising to levels that start feeling more like spring. Finally, some flowers started to appear where just a week ago a good layer of snow had covered the landscape.
Students rolled a giant 220 kg Easter Egg that was almost 5.6 metres high and 13.5 metres wide through Laisvės alėja in Kaunas on Monday.
Ne visi velykiniai kiškučiai tokie jau mieli ir nekalti, skelbia Dalis jų - dar ir kokie nedorėliai, kurie gali sau leisti muštis, šaipytis iš moksleivių ar vairuoti motociklą nedėvint šalmo.
Traditional Lithuanian Easter egg decoration is an art form enjoyed by people around the world. That's why we're inviting Lithuania Tribune readers to make their own Easter eggs for a special article that will include information about some of our favourite submissions from our readers and the oppor...
The Lithuania Tribune would like to wish all of our readers a happy Easter weekend!
Two Easter eggs of impressive size have appeared in central Kaunas as the city prepares for celebrations this weekend.