Lithuania and the Netherlands plan to hold more joint exercises involving deployment of the Patriot air defence system in Lithuania, the defence ministers of the two countries have said.
59 articles
Chief of Defence General Valdemaras Rupšys said Tuesday the Netherlands plans to deploy its Patriot long-range air defence system in Lithuania for a joint exercise in July.
Lithuania, the UK, Norway, the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden and Iceland are buying air defence systems for Ukraine at the value of 107.5 million, the National Defence Ministry announces. Vilnius’ contribution is EUR 6 million.
The coronavirus is destroying the profitability of Europe’s oil refiners and the industry is hunkering down for a tough winter.
Mandatory 14-day self-isolation for Lithuanians returning from Poland, the Netherlands, Iceland, Cyprus and Turkey comes into force on Monday.
Lithuania will on Monday introduce mandatory 14-day self-isolation for Lithuanians returning from Poland, the Netherlands, Iceland, Cyprus and Turkey, the Health Ministry said on Friday.
On 27 May Lithuanian government has allowed renewing more flights to Germany and the Netherlands.
The Ministry of Health confirmed a new case of COVID-19 in Lithuania. It is the 4th case on Tuesday, 17th March.
Nyderlandai nuo 2020 metų pradžios nebevartos pavadinimo „Olandija“ savo oficialiame logotipe, ketvirtadienį praneša Vakarų žiniasklaida.
Lithuania ranks 36th in the annual World Press Freedom Index, produced by Reporters Without Borders, unchanged from last year.
The Netherlands is building new coalitions within the EU to compensate for the loss of the UK as the union's main free trade champion, and has found partners in the Baltic States. At the same time, a domestic policy issue involving gas supplies and the Dutch stance on Russia have the potential to pu...
The annual army exercise Flaming Thunder for indirect fire support units starts in Lithuania on Monday.
Representatives of Lithuanian municipalities will receive a Centennial Gift in the form of tulip bulbs from the Netherlands at the government on Friday.
Leaders of the Baltic and the Nordic states have for the first time invited their Irish and Dutch colleagues to join the traditional meeting in Brussels ahead of the European Union (EU) summit.
Lithuania this year lost four positions and ranks 40th among 127 countries in the latest Global Innovation Index released by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).
Iron Wolf 2017, this year's largest multinational military exercise in Lithuania, will be formally opened concurrently in the Lithuanian Armed Forces' two military training areas, in Rukla and Pabrade, on Monday, the Defense Ministry said.
On Good Friday, a reopening of the free little library took place in Bernardinai Garden (Bernardinų sodai). Located close to the children's playground, the little library specialises in children's books. At a time that libraries all over are facing tough competition from the Internet, little librari...
Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė on Thursday congratulated the Netherlands following moderate politicians' victory in Wednesday's parliamentary election.
Several hundreds of used military vehicles purchased from the Netherlands will add mobility and power to the Lithuanian Armed Forces, Defence Minister Juozas Olekas said on Thursday.