
66 articles

Lithuania may add Spain to its coronavirus "blacklist" list after a recent spike in infections in the country, the Health Ministry said on Wednesday, cautioning travelers to consider the risk of having to self-isolate on return.

On 1 June, Lithuania opened its fifth Honorary Consulate in Santander, the capital of the region of Cantabria on the north coast of Spain. Ana Belén Gutiérrez Lavín will head the consulate, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs informs.

Some 2,000 Lithuanian citizens have informed the country's diplomatic missions that they are unable to return home due to movement restrictions, Foreign Minister Linas Linkevicius said on Monday, adding that most of them are stranded in Spain.

Verse, the development of current accounts towards a payment tool that wipes out the friction of financial transactions between friends and in shops, has become the first Spanish Fintech to obtain a licence from the Bank of Lithuania (Lietuvos Bankas). This licence authorizes it to operate not only ...