White Guide

6 articles

The chefs of as many as eight restaurants in Vilnius, Kaunas and Klaipėda woke up as part of the Baltic cream of the crop following the reputable Scandinavian White Guide 2018 evaluations of restaurants that happened for the second time now in our country. Eight from fifteen restaurants evaluated in...

Kristina Pališkytė

Išskirtinio lėtojo maisto restorano Užupyje „Sweet root“ įkūrėjas Sigitas Žemaitis sako, kad lietuviškos gastronomijos pagrindas formuojasi būtent čia ir dabar: Lietuvoje, ypač Vilniuje, atsiranda vis daugiau restoranų, kyla jų lygis, be to, žmonės pradeda pažinti ir gerbti virtuvės šefo profesiją. ...

the Lithuania Tribune

The third edition of The White Guide Nordic was launched today, in Stockholm. More than 300 journalists and restaurateurs took part in the event. The new guide covers the 325 best restaurants in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland, the Faroe Islands and Greenland the organisers reported.

the Lithuania Tribune

Most diners in Denmark and Sweden are familiar with the trademark and the many initiatives of the White Guide. For thirteen consecutive years, White Guide has published comprehensive local guides about the gastronomy of Sweden and Denmark, and 2014 saw the arrival of the very first guide in English ...