Bernardas Gailius EN

7 articles

It comes as no surprise that the European Court of Human Rights ruling in the so-called Drėlingas case has so far met with little public attention. This always happens when major events occur. Their scale takes time to emerge, Bernardas Gailius writes on

Discussions in the public sphere and political couloirs testify that Lithuanian political powers have yet to grasp the scale of their loss in the municipal elections. Led by the understandable desire to fight to the end, party politicians seek to glimpse hope and prospects in numbers, thus they inev...

Among applicants for director general of the Lithuanian national radio and television (LRT) are Audrius Siaurusevičius who headed the LRT for two terms, former editor-in-chief of news portal Monika Garbačiauskaitė-Budrienė and political reviewer Bernardas Gailius of the conservatives.