President of Lithuania Gitanas Nausėda has condemned Wednesday’s terrorist attack in Ankara, Turkey. At least 5 people died and 22 were injured in the attack around the entrance of Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI).
136 articles
Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis says NATO member Türkiye’s aspiration to join BRICS, the alliance of major developing countries, is „hard to understand“. He predicts a waning trust in Ankara following the move.
A plane from Israel landed at Vilnius Airport on Wednesday afternoon after several delays. A total of 141 passengers were on the commercial flight, including pilgrims who were stuck in Bethlehem.
Long queues of passengers at Vilnius Airport will end only when the new terminal opens, says Minister of Transport and Communications Marius Skuodis.
President Gitanas Nausėda says Sweden is highly likely to become a NATO member prior to the Vilnius summit in July.
Dėl žemės drebėjimo Turkijoje apkaltino HAARP ir NATO. Tai – į naują rūbą įvilkta sena sąmokslo teorija (1)
Vasario 6 d., pirmadienį, Turkiją ir Siriją sukrėtusi didžiulė seisminė nelaimė įkvėpė sąmokslo teorijų mėgėjus. Jų teigimu, 7,8 balo žemės drebėjimą, paveikusį net kelias valstybes, sukėlė JAV valdomas „klimato ginklas“ HAARP.
Turkijos prezidentas Recepas Tayyipas Erdoganas paskelbė, kad nacionalinės oro linijų bendrovės pavadinimas iš tarptautinio bus pakeistas į turkišką: nuo šiol „Turkish Airlines“ vadinsis „Turkiye Hava Yollari“, praneša „Euronews“.
Kalakutų ūkio šeimininkas iš Jungtinės Karalystės Tomas Copasas sako, kad, artėjant Kalėdoms, susiduria su darbininkų stygiumi. Ir viskas dėl tos nelemtos naujojo koronaviruso pandemijos. Situaciją dar apsunkina ir tai, kad, lapkritį prasidėjus antrajam karantinui, išaugo kalakutų pristatymo į namus...
If Vladimir Putin made one thing clear over the years, it’s that no power but Russia—not the U.S., the European Union, or even China—is allowed to meddle in the security affairs of its former Soviet stomping ground.
Mandatory 14-day self-isolation for Lithuanians returning from Poland, the Netherlands, Iceland, Cyprus and Turkey comes into force on Monday.
Lithuania will on Monday introduce mandatory 14-day self-isolation for Lithuanians returning from Poland, the Netherlands, Iceland, Cyprus and Turkey, the Health Ministry said on Friday.
The Turkish government is set to decide on Monday whether to allow a shipment of lung ventilators, worth 350,000 euro, to be delivered to Lithuania, the news website reports.
Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda says the Baltic countries and Poland have received Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's political approval in principle for their updated defense plan, but admits that hurdles may still arise at NATO's technical level.
Turkey's decision to block the updated defense plans for the Baltic states and Poland might make military planning more difficult but it's not a catastrophe as other planning instruments remain, retired US General Ben Hodges says.
The Lithuanian Ambassador to Turkey was summoned to the country's Ministry of Foreign Affairs for a conversation on the conflict in the Ottoman Empire during World War I following Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda's statement on Armenian genocide.
Lithuanian Foreign Minister Linas Linkevicius hopes necessary decisions will be made until the upcoming NATO summit next week amid media reports Turkey is refusing to back NATO defense plans for the Baltic states and Poland.
По словам президента Трампа, у США есть только три опции: отправить в Сирию тысячи солдат, задавить Турцию с помощью санкций или стать посредником в конфликте между Анкарой и сирийскими курдами.
Постпред США в ООН Келли Крафт в четверг предупредила Турцию, что операция против курдов на северо-востоке Сирии повлечет за собой последствия, если Анкара не защитит уязвимые категории населения и не сумеет сдержать "Исламское государство".
Turkey's ongoing military operation in Syria complicates the situation as Lithuania is considering possible deployment of its troops to Syria, Lithuanian Minister of National Defense Raimundas Karoblis says.
While Lithuanian weather does not let people enjoy the sun and the heat during the first months of a year people choose to go for holidays in more warm regions. One of the most popular place for Lithuanians is Turkey.